News & Media

Burst pipe

Plumbing Problems to Look Out for After a Tropical Storm

June means it is officially storm season in Texas. Tropical storms and hurricanes can cause a ton of problems, and while many of those issues are more pressing, the problems your plumbing can face shouldn’t be forgotten. Potential Plumbing Problems Water heater malfunctions, water leaks, and slow toilet drains are just a few of the […]


5 “Flushable” Things That You Should Never Actually Flush

A lot of products and materials seem to be “flushable.” Some will even appear to go down your toilet just fine, with no negative repercussions. What you might not realize is that something that isn’t clogging your toilet now may be causing a problem deeper down in your home’s plumbing—or even in your town’s sewer […]


4 Reasons Why Faucets “Whistle While They Work”

Is your faucet making a high-pitched noise that you just can’t ignore? This problem is a lot more common than you might think, especially in areas with hard water. Below, we’ll explain the typical reasons why this issue occurs, along with solutions to resolve it. 1. Hard Water Mineral Buildup “Hard water” contains a lot […]


Don’t Flush Trash Other Than Toilet Paper: Here’s Why

While it may seem like your toilet can easily flush away trash like paper towels and wet wipes, plumbers and city sewer workers will tell you a different story. Flushing items other than your personal business and toilet paper can have many negative repercussions that may ultimately affect your entire community. If you still flush […]